Short, useful videos to make your life easier.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Generate RSS with Dapper

Dapper lets you do much more than generate RSS feeds, but for those of you who use Yahoo Pipes, it is much more advanced than some of the other RSS generators out there.
(4 mins.)

Thursday, March 22, 2007

7 Tips Every Firefox User Should Know

Firefox has some really great features that can help you browse the web more efficiently. No Firefox user should be without these tips!

(5 mins. 30 sec.)

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Yahoo! Pipes tutorials

1. Creating a basic pipe: Combine two feeds

(2 mins.)

2. Sorting, filtering, and debugging

(2 mins. 30 sec.)

3. The Yahoo Search module, the Union module and using other People’s Pipes

(2 mins.)

4. Use Feedity to get a feed from a site that doesn't have a feed (uses Truncate module)

(2 mins. 30 sec.)

5. Replace Yahoo’s most popular search terms with pictures from Flickr (uses For Each: Replace module)

(2 mins.)

6. The Text Input module and the URL Builder module

(5 mins.)

7. The Location Input module and the String Concatenate module

(3 mins. 30 sec.)

8. Use a custom module with For Each: Replace
This tutorial takes the top 20 songs from Google Trends and replaces them with links to the chords for those songs.

(4 mins. 30 sec.)

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Little-known Firefox feature: Live Titles

Imagine if the title of one of your bookmarks changed every time it was updated. That's what a live bookmark does. This tutorial will explain the concept and show you how to add live titles to Firefox.
(1 min. 33 secs.)

Sunday, February 4, 2007 free file conversion

Zamzar is a free service that will convert your files from one type to another. No registration required. They convert images, documents, music, and video. For example, you can convert a .gif file to .jpg, or a .wma file to a .mp3.
(1 min. 30 sec.)

Saturday, February 3, 2007 free file-hosting

DivShare is a free file-hosting service. This video covers two useful things you can do at You can email large files to your friends, and you can store an unlimited number of files (max. 200MB each).
(2 mins.)

Friday, February 2, 2007

How to add RSS feeds to Firefox

This tutorial shows you two ways to add RSS feeds to Firefox 2.0.
(2 mins. 30 sec.)

Sunday, January 28, 2007

How to add RSS feeds to IE7

How to add an RSS feed to Internet Explorer 7 and also how to use the built-in feed reader.
(3 mins.)

What is RSS?

Who cares what it stands for or how it works? This tutorial explains how YOU benefit from it. In a nutshell, here's how: RSS allows you to get all of your favorite headlines in one place.
(2 mins.)

Sunday, January 21, 2007

Get started with Bittorrent

Bittorrent is a file-sharing technology that allows you to download large files—like full-length movies—fast. This tutorial will get you started quick.
(3 mins. 30 sec.)

Wednesday, January 10, 2007 juicy tips lets people share useful tips with each other. Submit a good tip and they will pay you $3.00 per tip.
(2 mins.)